It is a historically-cultural temple located in sombo village sambo commune sambo district,Kampong thom province.If we travel from Kompong thom town it is 37 kilometers away from the temple it was made of hard brick and muddy stone on 3000 hectare land along the national road 64.The temple was built by the King issana voroman 1 in 7th century (616-635BC)during Chenla era.The prey kuk temple were abandoned in 1971 and re discovered in 1980.Clearing the forest, The discover found 140 temples but the two other were not found.The resorts were divided in 4 majors.

1- North temple they recalled prast sombo in the middle of the small different temple.
2-  prasat kandal they recalled Prasat Tou with the door from the north and the hidden door .Along the four stairs,There are the stature of sitting tevekatha lions on each directions.On the west of tou temple,there are small different temple.
3- South temple  they are called yeay peatt temple in the middle of two domes temples which there are gates from each direction in the inner dome.In the past time here was the city 

4-  Kroul meas temple They are on the north of small temple with ancient brick and the west of a temple with hard stones.there are many kind if diffident wilfdkife around the prey kuk temples that are the reasons why there are the attractive place for both local and international visitors.
After the Lon Nol's coup d'etat to Prince Norodom Sihanouk in 1970, US President Richard Nixon ordered a secrete bombing of Cambodia to fight the Khmer Rouge guerrillas and any influence of North Vietnam in the country. The US aircraft bombed positions inside the archaeological site, causing craters near the temples, while the guerrillas left several mines on the land that were cleared only in 2008.This site was added to the UNESCO World Heritage Tentative List on January 1, 1992 in the Cultural category.
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