All nations celebrate the traditional New Year's respective nations. Just set the time of preparation of this festival gave the members in accordance with their traditional customs and beliefs. Khmer New Year, we also have a history since ancient times every year so far. We have found many documents that states and New Year's diligently listening to storytelling mature a lot.Spoke at the beginning of phottokab rich man had a son named thommobeal children as precious knowledge learned timeless Vedic scriptures since the age of 7 years . Millionaire father had built temples thommobeal children at the feet of the big oak tree in coastal rivers, the accommodation of all the birds. Children thommobeal all birds, as well as possible as Archbishop wedding Other performances to all humankind. Those days he always read mhaproh and Abel mhaproh 1 wedding performers to all humankind. Abel mhaproh heard news came down, ask some children will thommobeal 3 story by promising that if the child thommobeal parable Babel mhaproh will cut off his head to thommobeal children but if thommobeal children can not solve the riddle, and Abel mhaproh beheaded thommobeal children. Thommobeal children ask for delay of 7 days to think parable. When past 6 days and thommobeal children still do not see and know that this morning will be killed by the referee Abel mhaproh sure. So should run to hide hide I die yourself better. Thommobeal children down from the castle to sleep and hide under a palm tree. On the brown male, female eagle nest depends. The night eagle female male eagle that this morning we have food to feed? Enlightenment, we are going to eat meat thommobeal children were Jezebel mhaproh child killed because thommobeal parable. Female eagle asked parable? Enlightenment: morning glory Hello? Is answered on the front surface. This is why people need water trap. Story 2 accused noon glory lies where? Is answered on the chest. Why then be washed the chest. Story 3 evening at glory? Is answered in the legs. Therefore, people need water to wash the feet. Thommobeal children heard it back to the castle. The next morning, Abel mhaproh parable thommobeal children. Children thommobeal resolve heard. Abel mhaproh also got that absolutely right, give up and are willing to act on its promise. Abel mhaproh called nymphs 7 donations Indra, who said that now his father cut his head in order to thommobeal put children on earth, will head fire element thrown into the air will lead to drought if rainfall in the ocean water evaporation will dry out. So let these children 7 he took the trophy head, Father. Then he cut off his head, gave it to Princess Tunisia subversive eldest son. Tunisian princess subversive activities also took the trophy to get my head and march bratoksaen Meru 60 minutes just went prepared in some heritage in the mountain caves Kantha concordance Kharn and Tip Other. Engineering symbol Angel magic factory made of glass 7 clause called "parliamentary phokovtei" town of angels. After 1 year to 7 Sankranti Goddess shifts, to invite the head of Isaac Babel Brahma came out to march mountain bratoksaen total already carries every year went back to tevlok to uphold.

New Year traditions

Year traditions take place for 3 days. First day mhasangkran day, 2 day, 3 day quarantine. But the months, days, hours, minutes, years old, expired and demigods new year come down to take from the demigods years old can be realized using ancient astrology rules are rules Sankranti.

What day of the Khmer New Year is on? Any day? From Thom Khmer day lunar year rule (lunar calendar) (walk of the moon) Khmer mik winter months and 1 month sour 12th month. Later Khmer switch to Date As a rule the Solar (solar calendar) (the way of the sun ). Khmer New Year in the month of Abib (5) because in this month the sun travels from minreasei fortune. Mango Year's Day is on the 13th day of April (Abib) every year, but from time to time, slip each year in some 14. Sankranti, which use solar BOT mode called "simple Sankranti" (sun walk straight from the head Sankranti). Mhasangkran how to draw criticism Lunar called "film Sankranti" (when the sun nhchhie not walk straight on). Lunar Solar, according to Buddhist lunar related regulations. The day Lunar New Year, sometimes unsettling time of Nisan sometime in rnoch time. But in between is not before 1 month of Abib and 4 does not exceed 4 June. So some Sankranti falls into June.

Various traditional Khmer people prepare as follows: Year before they prepare food , cleaning homes, carry water jars, wood, and new clothes. New Year comes to preparing units for new angel shrine: August 1 policy, Islamic justice 1, 5 incense, candles 5, 1 perfume, flowers, ents, 1 deadly water and soft drinks, snacks, fruit. The homes were decorated highlighted by colorful small lights or lanterns for demigods. When the time limit demigods coming new children sitting together near preparing incense, incense and candles perfume spray area pray for happiness, progress clause demigods. Sanctuary and sumptuous pto This angel will go down each year. For example: If angels were to come down, ate peanut, sesame, beans, sesame. The 3-day event of the day is:

Day 1: take all the food donated monk at the monastery. Dinner, they transport construction sand, it invades around the temple or shrine around a Bodhi tree in the pagoda. Drinks in the early evening were donated to all the monks invited Ven progress preahbrit silk and natural performances rituals.
Day 2: The children dress cake to feed money you have parents ancestors. Sometimes they give to the people or the poor. The afternoon, they went to the Sand Mountain jam and chanting prayers PunPhnom supposed Chola shrines and invited all the monks bangsaoukaul Shrine sent mokkophal memorial spirit brothers and sisters who have died.

Day 3: breakfast monks Ven those infected PunPhnom silk. Dinner monks Ven extract water and extracted Buddha (of the land). On the occasion of the Lunar New Year, they gamble popular entertainment as much fun as playing angkonh Gulf final hiding towel Son Kite and dancers (in Battambang, Siem Reap), especially dance ensembles depending on your favorite person. Some popular entertainment Some popular gift at the monastery.

Khmer New Year rituals

Khmer New Year is a traditional festival in the country has always held every year. In Khmer New Year festival is organized as follows: New Year works to 3 days on 13, 14, or April 15 because it is the season that Khmer people have free time from the harvest of rice and other agricultural crops. Before the New Year celebrations 1 or 2 days Khmer people always cleaning decorated homes and other prepared material to prepare New Year Angel.

When the 1st day of the Khmer New Year in traditional Khmer styled as Maha Sangkran (sankranti). At that time, citizens Khmer Buddhist New Year Angel vehicles and other rondab decorated with colorful lights in their homes. Rondab such as: water off box with flowers, candles, 5, 5 incense, flowers, soft drinks, fruit and snacks.. Then they will do a ritual with incense and candles its home. When the angel came down effect glory Happy blessings so that they get a full-year peace .

When Day 2 of Khmer New Year called that day, as people drive agenda went to pagodas to remove food fruit snacks to the monks. In addition to also play popular games such as: chaolchhoung baohangkonh Prat, dancing and singing traditional songs in pagodas and other regions in the country.

When 3-day festival called laengsak or agenda. On that day, they always held herself statue of Buddha at the monastery to ask for peace, and also the end of the day, held the Khmer New Year.

Means of Khmer New Year [edit]
Khmer New Guard porter?

Khmer New Year festival on 13 April (from time to time on April 14) the lunar month of Nisan.

Khmer custom prepared 3 days: day 1, day 2 (agenda), 3 days in quarantine.

Also celebrate their New Year celebration. Mee celebrate the traditional New Year every year because we understand that the New Year has a profound meaning. Khmer believe that in a year of living always encounter cursing Appendix assets abomination other sometimes sorrow sometimes emergency sometimes ill-old tight body sometimes other works uncleanness should not. When the year-old, they began to celebrate dressed recently they began trekking entertainment so that all concerns and to glory Happy glory Faso regarding happiness in the New Year.

Moreover, within a year they have been separated from their families and relatives to the farming life in a distant second. When the new year was imminent return together, visit each other to sound relaxation of mind and relieve fatigue from work. And then goes on to a new life in the new year successfully engaged and live a long time. Moreover, the traditional New Year's can cultivate the spirit of love between neighboring villages as a factor to create national unity. That is why, when they not only come together in the family, but they do at pagodas, an education center for the humanitarian and solidarity. Festivals Visit the new year, meaning this vast Khmer our esteemed as a national tradition since the beginning.

Symbols, each representing a fortune or Calendar Khmer

Because the Khmer influenced Brahmin (Hindu doctrine) Khmer still continue to use the traditional rule book Professor Brahmin doctrine Reckoning organized religion. As a rule of ancient astronomy or astrology Brahmin doctrine they perceive the sky shaped like a circle and in a quiet place such as Earth. They understand that the sun around the Earth orbit like a circle called Zodiac or zodiac (circular Reasey,), which is one year.

Because they see in the sky above the stars (star) several nearby, and looks like such as sheep or goats, bulls, two old men, women, crabs, lions, virgin, scales, scorpion, December, fish (fish or treithkar chhlamomokar), pitcher, and so they named a chunk of the star (or sacred noksaat), a similar result. They divided the sky into 12 parts or apartments (fortune) by naming each share, according to the shape of the star ensemble as a mesa or mesareasei, usaph or usaphreasei, mithon or mithonrasei, July d or July fortune, winged or seihreasei, September or kanhnheareasei, October or court fortune, vichchhek or vichchhekreasei, making or thnoureasei, Makar or mokarreasei, February or February fortune and min or minreasei. Because they set mesareasei (April) fortune Khmer think the month of Abib The first of the new year and celebrate the New Year in the month of Nisan, the same way forever. This is because of the rules the Khmer Solar.

According to the rules lunar month Chisleu, is the first month of the new year. As a rule lotthipreahma solar thought in April, Sun from minreasei (Mina Rashi chunk stars shaped like fish) go to mesareasei (Mesa Rashi star-shaped chunk of sheep or goats). Lace out of the sun from a fortune to fortune called Sankranti or sangkranti (sankranti). 12 Sankranti. Because they set mesareasei Brahmin fortune (first fortune, fortune, fortune or fortune) is called Sankranti April mhasangkran is traveling through the solar zodiac of the old year to the new year of the zodiac.

Today Khmer continue using algorithms solar and lunar method for the preparation of religion but for the work of civil servants Khmer turned rules Date of Christianity like all the countries in the world that we were called University or AD.
Tales background history of the New Year Songkran tale silk narrated that a man named thommobeal traivet timeless wisdom as well as birds and always expressed happiness to all. When Abel mhaproh (contemporary worship mhaproh and Abel mhaproh) knowing that the child thommobeal scholars also ask Story 3, and promised that if thommobeal daohbrasnea Abel mhaproh beheaded thommobeal. If thommobeal can not solve the riddle and was beheaded mhaproh. Thommobeal Please wait 7 days to think parables, but 6 days have passed and still not see thommobeal also fled to hide under a pair of palm trees, the residence of the eagle nests. Fortunately that night thommobeal heard male female eagle. Female eagle asked the male eagle that today, we have what is food? Enlightenment talking to a female eagle that children today will thommobeal food mhaproh killed Abel because daohbrasnea not already. Asked another female eagle that parable? Enlightenment: • No. 1: In the morning glory lies where? Be answered before, and therefore people need to wash. • No. 2: Lunch glory lies where? Is answered in the chest so that people washed chest. • No. 3: evening glory blameless? Must answer why people take the water to wash the feet. Eagle's words came as a light illuminated handle Abel parable mhaproh avoid kdeimorn. Abel mhaproh willing to lose beheaded thommobeal. Before beheading Abel mhaproh called nymphs 7, the daughter of his title as head of the earth shall cosmic. If thrown into the air will reangophlieng thrown into the sea water, dried, and cut her head to Tunisia violence birthright. Tunisia violence march Abel mhaproh bratoksaen Meru 60-minute invitation to head prepared in the mountainous center of Kharn. When a birthday Songkran goddess to her 7 turns procession heads Abel mhaproh other honor Meru every year. 1. If Songkran falls on Sunday was the turn she Fisheries Ecology 2. If Songkran falls Monday was turn her bull diarrhea 3. If Songkran falls Tuesday was turn her Caribbean synagogue 4. If Songkran falls Wednesday was turn her Mandalay 5. If Songkran falls on Thursday was turn her behavioral tradition 6. If Songkran falls Friday must turn her honor, friendship parliamentarians 7. If Songkran falls Saturday was turn her theater types lawmaker with a tale like this, then Mee had faith and organized a ritual sacrifice of an angel, which is turn procession heads the Abel mhaproh and was governor of the world every year new arrival never left not. New works for three days in 12 13 14 Roach Abib 14 13 15 or 15 14 16 April every year, never missing. Since chollosakrach generated form solar calendar and the day of the New Year in the month Abib spare people from the work on the farm. Four seasons in the solar calendar of the year is winter, spring, summer and autumn Khmer people applied to take the fifth Abib to celebrate the New Year. Usually April 13 or sometimes on April 14. New opportunities are presented astronomy Songkran and lasts for three days. Called 1st day of Songkran call it 2 and call on the third day, it ranks as the day they were supposed to have or unaffected.

Khmer New Year period young people have gathered to play traditional folk games such as chaolchhoung baohangkonh race. This is a game where Khmer people prefer to play from the beginning until now. In some parts of the country such as Siem Reap and Battambang province or some other play. A man riding a curved wooden reindeer on the head and observe at the back, such as reindeer tail. Two men ready to hunting with a bow in hand. When teyyotean and they donated for teyyovottho for the monks in the monastery. Women's villages along the Mekong province gathered to play in the present. This action is believed to calm alligator. This tradition originated long ago when many crocodiles live in the river. Some senior people to live haunted pagoda trees nearby calm and peace in the new year came to himself and his family. People Khmer gathered to visit pagodas to visit coastal resort Department or the temples that are in the country or abroad on the occasion of New Year festival Khmer tradition, and some people met my family, family friends at their home with delight.Let go for enjoy with us at cambodia.
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